Reading Time: 6 minutes As any digital transformation leader will insist, digital readiness is absolutely key to business success. Just look at the impact of the global pandemic; it was those that were ready to go fully remote virtually overnight that weathered the storm. This isn’t only relevant in the face of a crisis. As technology continues to evolve […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes VUCA is the acronym that defines digital strategy consulting, and indeed, the current business landscape: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. These are the ingredients that make it difficult to survive in a competitive scenario, where the only constant is change. Volatility – perhaps the most defining feature – comes from the way that change occurs […]
Reading Time: 8 minutes Digital transformation isn’t a new imperative. However, the findings of a recent survey on digital maturity conducted by FOXIZE found that, amongst 23,000 employees from 234 companies, 76% don’t have the digital maturity the market demands. That is, they are not classified as ‘digitally competent’. According to McKinsey, by 2030, between 30-40% of all workers […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes Private equity firms are in a unique position to successfully unlock the value creation potential of digital transformation – and should be looking to independent consultants to boost and accelerate returns. Digital transformation is one of these ambiguous concepts that seem to mean different things to different people. To some, it’s all about digitalisation and […]
Reading Time: < 1 minute We are happy to share with you that since April we have already engaged with more than 800 TMT professionals in our webinars. We started with the AI webinar series and now the number of topics is growing. This time we would like to thank you for joining our recent Digital KPIs webinar. We discussed the […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes In today’s hyper-connected world any action, campaign or communication made to our prospects or clients must be perfectly tied to a global company strategy and specially supported by what our customer/prospect’s data is telling us. The way we can collect and analyze our user’s behavior throughout our company’s digital assets spectrum comprehends the world of […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes There are different terms, which might sound similar, but does not mean the same. Head of Digital or Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer. These both titles share the abbreviation CDO, but the two are not the same job. The difference lies in the way he contributes to the company’s strategic goals and their […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the most important considerations in a company’s move towards digitalisation is how to create a digital roadmap. It involves strategic decisions that benefit both the current state of the business and the way forward in a digital transformation. In this article, we are going to look at the best ways to strategise a […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes There was once a time when running a management or strategy consulting firm was a clearly defined business, with distinct assets and entry barriers. These attributes protected the business from new entrants and competitors. In a pre-digital business environment, strategy consultancy was driven by top talent from established MBA schools. These individuals had a clear […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes What does a web analyst do? A web analyst’s main responsibilities are to look closely at the data associated with a business’s website. That means making detailed analyses of data, behavioural patterns, visitor numbers and their responses to the website. It requires a certain amount of understanding and creativity. The perfect web analyst is led […]