Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Freelance

Effectively onboarding freelancers for full integration into your company culture

onboarding freelancers

Reading Time: 6 minutes The modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation, with freelancers playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping organisational success. As the demand for specialised skills and flexible work arrangements grows, effectively onboarding freelancers has become a cornerstone of strategic talent management. Freelancers are no longer confined to the fringes of the workforce but are now […]

When the ship needs a captain, an Interim VP of Sales is a key hire

interim VP of sales

Reading Time: 5 minutes In virtually all industries, sales leadership is a cornerstone for organisational success. The departure of a Vice President of Sales, the initiation of growth initiatives, or periods of organisational restructuring can present significant challenges for sales momentum. At such a crossroads, the need for an Interim VP of Sales emerges as a strategic imperative; after […]

Here’s why Middle East consultants should stop assuming Agile will deliver success

middle east consultants

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s business landscape, the term “Agile” has become ubiquitous, often thrown around without a clear understanding of its implications. In markets like the Middle East consultants frequently encounter clients seeking to adopt Agile methodologies without fully grasping their essence and application.  To navigate these conversations and address an organization’s challenges, it’s crucial to understand […]

How Outvise UAE is bridging the talent gap in this dynamic region

Outvise UAE

Reading Time: 7 minutes The UAE stands at the forefront of innovation in the tech and telecom landscape, spearheading ambitious initiatives to transform its cities into smart hubs of the future. These projects require a diverse range of expertise, including telecom professionals, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists, among others. However, finding the right talent to drive these initiatives forward […]

How to make the ‘flexeteriat’ work for you


Reading Time: 6 minutes Every year, various pundits and experts will publish an article or two arguing the wheres and why-fors of their predicted shake ups for the year. Generally, these pieces will contain their projections for year-defining buzzwords, which may or may not set the tone for the coming months. In this year’s offering of 2024 forecasts, one […]

4-day workweek companies: The good, the bad, and the alternatives

4 day work week companies

Reading Time: 7 minutes Productivity is the word on every company’s lips. Now more than ever, organisations need to meet rising demand and get the most out of their resources. However, in a time of tumult, one thing hasn’t changed – our most important resource is still talent. In light of the conditions, how can we get the most […]

Cloud-Kostenmanagement: Insider-Tipps für maximale AWS-Ersparnis


Reading Time: 5 minutes Cloud-Technologie hat die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen IT-Ressourcen verwalten und nutzen, revolutioniert. Mit der Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit von AWS steigt jedoch auch die Komplexität des Kostenmanagements. Ein strukturierter und strategischer Ansatz ist unerlässlich, um Kosten transparent zu machen, zu kontrollieren und letztendlich zu optimieren. Als AWS Cloud Kostenspezialist gebe ich in diesem Artikel einen […]

Building your personal brand to generate quality leads

building your personal brand

Reading Time: 8 minutes The phrase ‘personal brand’ has been much bandied about over the years. From social media influencers to politicians, it seems almost everybody is crafting their image and controlling how others perceive them. As a freelancer, one of the most unsung but most important aspects of finding new business is how you market and advertise your […]

No man is an island: The value of a freelance network

freelance network

Reading Time: 7 minutes Talk to anyone who’s done freelance work over the past few years and they’ll probably all tell you the same thing: it can be lonely out there. Working from home while delivering projects with little collaboration and communication being limited to clients can take its toll. Humans are social beings; when we spend such large […]

Shaping the future: The role of freelance platforms in the Middle East

freelance platforms Middle East

Reading Time: 7 minutes Significant transformations are happening in the Middle East; gone are the days of the region playing catch up to the West’s business dominance. A marked shift towards digitalisation, massive investments and infrastructure development all point towards rapid growth in the region. Smart cities, telcos and IT infrastructure developments are reshaping the business landscape. The flip […]