Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Artificial Intelligence

Why AI for due diligence beckons a new era of strategic insight

ai for due diligence

Reading Time: 5 minutes Due diligence (DD) is the cornerstone of private equity and high-stakes acquisitions. It involves investigating a potential investment, verifying its financial health, operational efficiency, legal compliance and more. Naturally, this demand for precision and objectivity makes AI for due diligence an intriguing possibility, which just 24% of private equity firms are leveraging. AI for due […]

KI im Projektmanagement – Die Zukunft und aktuelle Trends

ki im projektmanagement

Reading Time: 6 minutes Der Einfluss der Technologie ist längst in allen Lebensbereichen spürbar, und mit der zunehmenden Komplexität von Projekten wird die Geschäftswelt vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. KI im Projektmanagement ist inzwischen keine futuristische Vision mehr, sondern eine realisierbare und notwendige Innovation. Erfahren Sie, wie Künstliche Intelligenz das Projektmanagement verändern kann und welche Trends die Zukunft prägen werden. […]

Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad: ventajas y riesgos

inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad

Reading Time: 5 minutes En la sociedad digital actual, cada vez son más las empresas y particulares que realizan transacciones virtuales y utilizan el comercio electrónico, lo que requiere de protección frente a amenazas. La integración de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la ciberseguridad abre nuevas posibilidades para fortalecer estas defensas, con una detección de vulnerabilidades y una respuesta […]

A balanced look at the AI myths upsetting the apple cart

ai myths

Reading Time: 7 minutes “Artificial intelligence is whatever hasn’t been done yet”  – Larry Tesler, early 1970 Last year, artificial intelligence (AI) hit the big time. The storm started in 2022 when tools such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney were launched. These are examples of generative artificial intelligence solutions, each with its unique features and applications. ChatGPT, for […]

Driving the future: European fund financing and efficient allocation technologies

efficient allocation

Reading Time: 6 minutes The European Union has set aside funds from Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, with pots of over 1 billion euros available to all businesses and institutions of member states that submit projects. Considering the scope of the investment, the efficient allocation of these funds will be essential.  In this article, we’ll discuss the details, the […]

Generative AI trends & thoughts for talent platforms

How do LLM work?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Most of “AI” in the news today refers to Generative AI. There are other types of AI out there, like pattern detection, advanced image processing… But I will focus on the Generative AI trends, and more precisely on language applications. Yes, the same “thing” behind OpenAI (ChatGPT), Claude, Llama and other Transformer-based models that leverage […]

Cybersecurity in the Internet Of Things (IoT): Securing connected devices

Cyber attacks connected devices

Reading Time: 6 minutes The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionised communication, business, management, and logistics in the digital age. It is now possible to connect almost any IoT device, from smartphones and sensors to industrial equipment and refrigerators, into networks that enable remote control and real-time feedback.  These connections offer tremendous potential for automation, data […]

How AI in recruitment will revolutionise the hiring process

ai in recruitment

Reading Time: 8 minutes AI is on everyone’s lips right now. One of the reasons it is enticing so many – and moreover, becoming a multi-trillion-dollar business – is that we do not know exactly how it will change our lives in the future. The future is still unwritten about how it will alter our relationships with work, with […]

From insights to monetization: Choosing the right data storage model

Data storage

Reading Time: 6 minutes Estimates suggest that by 2025, there will be more than 150 zettabytes – that’s 150 trillion gigabytes – of unanalysed data. Much of this data will be unstructured, compelling almost every business to formulate a big data strategy. This will require them to radically rethink data storage and analysis.  “Big data” has become a somewhat […]

Is a hybrid cloud strategy right for your organisation?

Hybrid cloud data centre

Reading Time: 6 minutes There’s no shadow of a doubt that digitization is crucial to gaining a competitive edge in today’s business environment. The ability to navigate disruption is defined by the agility with which an organisation handles its data, and as such, the architecture within which it is processed. In many cases, a hybrid cloud strategy provides the […]