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Posts filtered by Data & Technology

SAP S/4HANA: Herausforderungen meistern und Erfolg sichern

sap freelancer

Reading Time: 5 minutes Die Transformation zu SAP S/4HANA ist eine strategisch entscheidende Neuausrichtung für Unternehmen, die im digitalen Zeitalter wettbewerbsfähig bleiben möchten. In unserem Webinar haben wir umfassende Einblicke in die Schlüsselstrategien für eine erfolgreiche SAP S/4HANA-Transformation gegeben. Dabei haben wir Themen wie die effektive Teamzusammenstellung, Umsetzungsstrategien und die kritische Phase der Datenmigration diskutiert, um den Teilnehmern wertvolle […]

What does a digital transformation consultant do?

digital transformation consultant

Reading Time: 7 minutes Every business with future-oriented leadership is scrambling to hire a digital transformation consultant. But why the urgency? Because the integration of digital technologies is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessity for survival and growth. Those who fail to adapt risk falling behind their competitors and losing relevance in an increasingly digital-driven market. However, meaningful […]

How our commercial due diligence services de-risked this investment in Omani fintech

commercial due diligence services

Reading Time: 7 minutes The Middle East’s fintech sector is experiencing rapid growth, fueled by a young, tech-savvy population, increasing smartphone penetration and government initiatives to diversify economies away from oil and gas. This surge in innovation and investment has created an increasing demand for commercial due diligence services (CDD), which play a crucial role in assessing ventures’ viability […]

Amenazas cibernéticas en España: así afectan a las empresas y administraciones en 2024

amenazas cibernéticas

Reading Time: 6 minutes Los ataques cibernéticos continúan aumentando año tras año. En el sector público, se han incrementado un 190 % anual en 2023. Algunos de los sectores más afectados son la sanidad y educación. Conocer estas amenazas es fundamental para implementar estrategias de ciberseguridad eficaces y proteger los activos digitales de las organizaciones. Radiografía de las amenazas […]

Here’s why Middle East consultants should stop assuming Agile will deliver success

middle east consultants

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s business landscape, the term “Agile” has become ubiquitous, often thrown around without a clear understanding of its implications. In markets like the Middle East consultants frequently encounter clients seeking to adopt Agile methodologies without fully grasping their essence and application.  To navigate these conversations and address an organization’s challenges, it’s crucial to understand […]

Navigating the “blue ocean” of the EU Funding and Tenders Portal

eu funding and tenders portal

Reading Time: 6 minutes The EU Funding and Tenders Portal (formerly known as the Participant Portal) is an online platform managed by the European Commission for their various funding programmes and tenders. It serves as a centralised hub for accessing information, submitting proposals and managing projects for EU-funded research and innovation, education and training, environmental sustainability, regional development and […]

Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad: ventajas y riesgos

inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad

Reading Time: 5 minutes En la sociedad digital actual, cada vez son más las empresas y particulares que realizan transacciones virtuales y utilizan el comercio electrónico, lo que requiere de protección frente a amenazas. La integración de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la ciberseguridad abre nuevas posibilidades para fortalecer estas defensas, con una detección de vulnerabilidades y una respuesta […]

AI in insurance is game-changing – but you need the right people

ai in insurance

Reading Time: 7 minutes As insurance professionals, we find ourselves in the landscape of Insurance 2.0, where artificial intelligence (AI) takes centre stage. AI in insurance is set to revolutionise the industry, creating both opportunities and challenges. With so many possibilities on the horizon, examining the potential use cases is a fruitful field of discussion. As a natural-born scientist […]

Cloud-Kostenmanagement: Insider-Tipps für maximale AWS-Ersparnis


Reading Time: 5 minutes Cloud-Technologie hat die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen IT-Ressourcen verwalten und nutzen, revolutioniert. Mit der Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit von AWS steigt jedoch auch die Komplexität des Kostenmanagements. Ein strukturierter und strategischer Ansatz ist unerlässlich, um Kosten transparent zu machen, zu kontrollieren und letztendlich zu optimieren. Als AWS Cloud Kostenspezialist gebe ich in diesem Artikel einen […]

A balanced look at the AI myths upsetting the apple cart

ai myths

Reading Time: 7 minutes “Artificial intelligence is whatever hasn’t been done yet”  – Larry Tesler, early 1970 Last year, artificial intelligence (AI) hit the big time. The storm started in 2022 when tools such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney were launched. These are examples of generative artificial intelligence solutions, each with its unique features and applications. ChatGPT, for […]