Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Business Transformation

Effectively onboarding freelancers for full integration into your company culture

onboarding freelancers

Reading Time: 6 minutes The modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation, with freelancers playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping organisational success. As the demand for specialised skills and flexible work arrangements grows, effectively onboarding freelancers has become a cornerstone of strategic talent management. Freelancers are no longer confined to the fringes of the workforce but are now […]

Hire a culture add, not a culture fit

culture add

Reading Time: 6 minutes Among my trawls of social media, I have recently come across many posts promoting the benefits of hiring a ‘culture add’. That is, new hires that do not fit the mould; new recruits that come from different backgrounds, with different experiences and education to the existing staff.  However, I still see recruitment teams taking on […]

Empowering women in tech through professional communities

Empowering women in tech

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this episode of Outvise Insights, we’re excited to introduce our esteemed guest speaker, E.J. Alawode, who serves as the Director of the community “Women Who Code” in Barcelona. Together, we delve into the pivotal roles that supportive communities play in empowering women in tech. E.J. also shares insights from her active involvement in tech […]

How an ERP consultant can give you back your valuable time

ERP consultant

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s rapidly changing e-commerce landscape, maintaining competitiveness and maximising efficiency are crucial for success. One effective way to achieve this is through automation, specifically in enterprise resource planning (ERP) processes. An ERP consultant plays a crucial role in helping organisations implement, optimise and manage their ERP systems.  Bringing one in to implement automated ERP […]

Achieving a successful digital transformation implementation

digital transformation implementation

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this episode of Outvise Insights, we’re excited to have Jassim Al Awadhi, a seasoned expert in the realm of digital transformation strategy, join us for an enlightening discussion. Jassim brings a wealth of experience to the table, having been deeply involved in driving digital transformation initiatives within his organisation, one of the leading telecom companies […]

A strategic look at business process transformation

business process transformation strategy

Reading Time: 7 minutes By now, it should be easy to see that there are myriad ways that the pandemic has changed the way we work. Workers have been forced to adapt to different ways of working remotely, dealing with supply chain disruptions, and responding to changes in consumer behaviour. All these things impact how businesses are run, thus […]

The art of quiet hiring: Building high-performance teams in silence

quiet hiring

Reading Time: 9 minutes The hiring process is essential for any company or organisation. Applicants have a significant impact on companies’ success and competitiveness. Although the hiring process is traditionally a noisy process, full of job advertisements, interviews, tests and evaluations, a new trend has emerged that is changing the way companies search for talent: quiet hiring. HR experts […]

The new freelance economy and what it means for your business

freelance economy

Reading Time: 8 minutes The rise of the freelance economy has been a topic of discussion for some time now. The cocktail of improved technology, shifts in pervasive attitudes, and the increasing acceptance of remote work have contributed to making freelancers central to today’s business conversations. Now, every organisation in every industry needs a strategy for the rising gig […]

Top experts share their insights on how to start freelancing

how to start freelancing

Reading Time: 7 minutes How we think about work is undergoing a period of rapid transformation. The labour landscape is radically different from how it used to be fifty, twenty or even just five years ago. Freelance success stories are encouraging an increasing number of people to say goodbye to permanent contracts and opt to go independent. In light […]

The essential Middle East telecom news briefing for an evolving region

middle east telecom news

Reading Time: 6 minutes Middle East telecom news is always of keen interest to the wider industry, as the region is increasingly seen as a bellwether for innovation. Telecom networks have grown to become some of the most valuable brands in the region. As operators take advantage  of regulatory shifts and increased autonomy, they find themselves in a position […]