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Posts filtered by Cybersecurity

Amenazas cibernéticas en España: así afectan a las empresas y administraciones en 2024

amenazas cibernéticas

Reading Time: 6 minutes Los ataques cibernéticos continúan aumentando año tras año. En el sector público, se han incrementado un 190 % anual en 2023. Algunos de los sectores más afectados son la sanidad y educación. Conocer estas amenazas es fundamental para implementar estrategias de ciberseguridad eficaces y proteger los activos digitales de las organizaciones. Radiografía de las amenazas […]

Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad: ventajas y riesgos

inteligencia artificial en ciberseguridad

Reading Time: 5 minutes En la sociedad digital actual, cada vez son más las empresas y particulares que realizan transacciones virtuales y utilizan el comercio electrónico, lo que requiere de protección frente a amenazas. La integración de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la ciberseguridad abre nuevas posibilidades para fortalecer estas defensas, con una detección de vulnerabilidades y una respuesta […]

Cybersecurity in the Internet Of Things (IoT): Securing connected devices

Cyber attacks connected devices

Reading Time: 6 minutes The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionised communication, business, management, and logistics in the digital age. It is now possible to connect almost any IoT device, from smartphones and sensors to industrial equipment and refrigerators, into networks that enable remote control and real-time feedback.  These connections offer tremendous potential for automation, data […]

How to hire cybersecurity experts

hire cybersecurity analyst

Reading Time: 7 minutes We hear about big-name security breaches in the news all the time. Every few weeks another huge tech company has suffered a break-in and their users’ personal details are all over the internet. Credit card data, passwords, addresses and more are at risk of being released onto black markets where high sums are paid for […]

Why IoT architecture is essential to profitability

Iot architecture profitability

Reading Time: 4 minutes Over the next four to five years, the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to surpass 25 billion. This will be more than the number of personal computers, mobile phones, and other personal connected devices. Undoubtedly, the exponential growth of IoT architecture is a significant event in the history […]

Technological, cultural, societal factors set TMT trends for 2021

tmt trends for 2021

Reading Time: 7 minutes In our current moment, it’s difficult to think about the future without reflecting on the year we’ve just had. The pandemic has had such a profound impact on how we live our lives, it has, inevitably, affected the way we work. Last year we moved from the office to the home, from face to face […]