[Updated] The business models that are attracting FTTH investment now
Reading Time: 8 minutes Right now, FTTH investment is a strategic priority for the European Commission. The ambitious Digital Single Market framework highlights connectivity as a crucial tool to drive the European economy. As economic activity becomes increasingly dependent on technology, ensuring that organisations and citizens alike have access to high-speed Internet is essential. This is even more the […]
Read moreHow to hire the right project manager: a comprehensive guide for business success
Reading Time: 6 minutes In today’s dynamic business environment, the role of a project manager has become increasingly crucial for organisational success. As companies face more complex challenges and digital transformations, finding the right project management talent can make the difference between project success and failure. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the essential aspects of hiring a […]
Read moreWhy fractional CFO services are something no recruitment drive can do without
Reading Time: 6 minutes Way back in 2016, McKinsey found that more than half of CFOs said their responsibilities included long-term strategic planning. A further 38% were also in charge of IT, including managing cybersecurity and digitisation. Today, it goes without saying that these responsibilities have expanded exponentially; indeed, the traditional image of the CFO as a number cruncher […]
Read moreFrom the cross-functional team to the x-team, to the hybrid x-team
Reading Time: 7 minutes A manager’s most valuable skill is the ability to foster great teamwork—but creating the conditions for teams to thrive has never been more difficult. The rapid pace of change demands teams that are not just productive but also incredibly creative, flexible and agile. The shift to remote and hybrid work has only added to this […]
Read more[Updated] The state of the fibre network in Europe from 2023-2029
Reading Time: 6 minutes The European Union’s ambitions for the Digital Single Market aim to evolve the region’s skills and infrastructure to enhance citizens’ quality of life. In an increasingly technology-dependent society, a better digital ecosystem is essential to empowering citizens and working towards a more inclusive society. This is especially true regarding educational and work opportunities, and high-speed […]
Read moreHow predictive model development is transforming project management
Reading Time: 7 minutes Meeting deadlines is a critical element of project management. It goes without saying it greatly influences client satisfaction—as the old saying goes, time is money. And yet, Project Management Works found that only 39% of all projects are delivered on time, on budget, and with the required features and functions. This means the majority of […]
Read moreTransformación tecnológica de I+D: de la automoción a los servicios médicos
Reading Time: 5 minutes La investigación y desarrollo (I+D) es fundamental para el crecimiento de las empresas y la transformación tecnológica de sus unidades de negocio. En España, la inversión en I+D ha experimentado un crecimiento sostenido en los últimos años, pasando de un 0,8 % en los años 90 al 1,55 % del PIB en 2023. Ese mismo […]
Read moreCombing Agile with the Lean methodology, and why it’s essential to growth
Reading Time: 8 minutes The average lifespan of a company on the S&P 500 has plummeted from 60 years in the 1950s to just 18 years in the present day. The ability to adapt and innovate isn’t merely nice to have—it’s a matter of survival. Whether a start-up or a well-established company, how you manage your operations and drive […]
Read morePower BI Dashboard: Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Fokus
Reading Time: 7 minutes Dynamische Geschäftsführung ist seit langem ein Erfolgsrezept. Durch den flächendeckenden Einsatz von digitalen Warenwirtschaftssystemen und detaillierten Nutzeranalysen ist sie heute wichtiger denn je. Kurz gesagt: datengetriebene Entscheidungen sind heute der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Power BI, entwickelt von Microsoft, steht dabei an der vordersten Front moderner Business Intelligence (BI). Das Power BI Dashboard bietet Unternehmensführern und IT-Experten […]
Read moreDoes the EU’s artificial intelligence legislation risk stifling innovation?
Reading Time: 7 minutes In the heart of Europe, a technological tug-of-war is underway. On one side, the newly ratified Artificial Intelligence Act demonstrates the European Union’s commitment to ethical and responsible AI development. It seeks to protect fundamental rights and foster trust in AI, setting a global precedent for regulation in this rapidly evolving field. On the other […]
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