Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Talent Shortage

The benefits of working with freelancers to manage the talent shortage

working with freelancers

Reading Time: 7 minutes The talent shortage remains a significant problem. The issue has been growing exponentially, although identifying one single cause of the talent drought remains a challenge. It does not present itself equally in all markets and every geography, and therefore, requires nuanced analysis and strategy. However, across markets, one actor stands out as a key solution: […]

Why there is a talent shortage and what we can do about it

talent shortage

Reading Time: 7 minutes We live in a world with threats of an economic downturn around the corner. Meanwhile, technological advancements are gaining pace; artificial intelligence, full automation, and a new generation of high-speed connectivity are set to transform the way we work. Nay-sayers of these technologies say they’ll replace workers, but the reality is quite the contrary. Many […]