Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Talent Shortage

How Outvise UAE is bridging the talent gap in this dynamic region

Outvise UAE

Reading Time: 7 minutes The UAE stands at the forefront of innovation in the tech and telecom landscape, spearheading ambitious initiatives to transform its cities into smart hubs of the future. These projects require a diverse range of expertise, including telecom professionals, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists, among others. However, finding the right talent to drive these initiatives forward […]

The benefits of working with freelancers to manage the talent shortage

working with freelancers

Reading Time: 7 minutes The talent shortage remains a significant problem. The issue has been growing exponentially, although identifying one single cause of the talent drought remains a challenge. It does not present itself equally in all markets and every geography, and therefore, requires nuanced analysis and strategy. However, across markets, one actor stands out as a key solution: […]

Why there is a talent shortage and what we can do about it

talent shortage

Reading Time: 7 minutes We live in a world with threats of an economic downturn around the corner. Meanwhile, technological advancements are gaining pace; artificial intelligence, full automation, and a new generation of high-speed connectivity are set to transform the way we work. Nay-sayers of these technologies say they’ll replace workers, but the reality is quite the contrary. Many […]