Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Rural areas

How to get the momentum we need behind rural fibre rollout in Europe

rural fibre

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Digital Agenda for Europe is marching forward. This programme, developed by the European Commission, aims to create a “Gigabit Society” by 2025. If you strip away the public policy jargon, this essentially means that the EC wants every European citizen to have access to superfast Internet, whether it be at home or at work, […]

LEO satellite vs. fibre optic: Which solution will connect the world?

Leo satellite vs Fibre Optic

Reading Time: 7 minutes Fibre has been long-touted as the futureproof Internet solution. With extensive private and public investment poured into the extension of fibre optic networks, it’s set to be the technology that will increase bandwidth, suppress latency and provide never-before-seen download and upload speeds. Certainly, it sounds good – but are there other pretenders to the crown? […]