Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Middle East

How Outvise UAE is bridging the talent gap in this dynamic region

Outvise UAE

Reading Time: 7 minutes The UAE stands at the forefront of innovation in the tech and telecom landscape, spearheading ambitious initiatives to transform its cities into smart hubs of the future. These projects require a diverse range of expertise, including telecom professionals, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists, among others. However, finding the right talent to drive these initiatives forward […]

Shaping the future: The role of freelance platforms in the Middle East

freelance platforms Middle East

Reading Time: 7 minutes Significant transformations are happening in the Middle East; gone are the days of the region playing catch up to the West’s business dominance. A marked shift towards digitalisation, massive investments and infrastructure development all point towards rapid growth in the region. Smart cities, telcos and IT infrastructure developments are reshaping the business landscape. The flip […]

The telecom world in the Middle East, more than just a commercial deal

Middle East telecom podcast

Reading Time: 2 minutes Telecom Groups in the Middle East are amongst the strongest and most valuable brands. However, like the rest of their global peers, they are in the midst of a significant transformation to get a fair share of the digital growth opportunities while living up to the expectations of numerous stakeholders to contribute more broadly and […]

The essential Middle East telecom news briefing for an evolving region

middle east telecom news

Reading Time: 6 minutes Middle East telecom news is always of keen interest to the wider industry, as the region is increasingly seen as a bellwether for innovation. Telecom networks have grown to become some of the most valuable brands in the region. As operators take advantage  of regulatory shifts and increased autonomy, they find themselves in a position […]