Talent [R]evolution

What does a digital transformation consultant do?

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Every business with future-oriented leadership is scrambling to hire a digital transformation consultant. But why the urgency? Because the integration of digital technologies is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessity for survival and growth. Those who fail to adapt risk falling behind their competitors and losing relevance in an increasingly digital-driven market. However, meaningful digital transformation is a complex process requiring a unique blend of technical knowledge, strategic vision and change management expertise.

Namely, this is because the term “digital transformation” is often thrown around, yet its meaning remains elusive to many. At its core, digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies into all aspects of a business, revolutionising how it operates and delivers value to customers. This transformation goes beyond simply digitising existing processes; it involves a fundamental shift in mindset, embracing innovation and leveraging technology to create new opportunities.

However, the term is often misunderstood, with some confusing it with digitisation or automation. While digitisation involves converting information from analogue to digital formats (e.g., scanning paper documents), and automation involves using technology to perform tasks automatically, digital transformation encompasses a broader scope. It’s about reimagining business models, enhancing customer experiences, optimising operations, and driving overall growth through the strategic use of technology.

This is where a digital transformation consultant comes in. These experts guide businesses through the complexities of their transformation journey, helping them navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that digital technologies present.

When does a business need a digital transformation consultant?

As a telecommunications engineer with a decade of experience in consultancy, I’ve honed my skills in process and operations. My background allows me to bridge the gap between technical knowledge and strategic vision, ensuring that technology implementations align with broader business goals – which is what delivers meaningful transformation. 

Of course, what this entails depends on the specific situation. It can arise at various stages of a company’s lifecycle and in response to different challenges. High-growth startups, for instance, often find themselves grappling with the complexities of scaling their operations while maintaining quality and customer satisfaction. Digital transformation consultants can help them streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks and leverage data-driven insights to navigate this crucial growth phase.

In today’s fiercely competitive markets, even established businesses must constantly evolve to stay ahead of the curve. A digital transformation consultant can help these companies identify new opportunities, improve efficiency and enhance customer experiences, ultimately driving innovation and differentiation. On the other end of the spectrum, struggling companies facing financial headwinds or market disruptions may turn to digital transformation as a means of survival. By optimising operations, identifying cost-saving opportunities and embracing innovative technologies, these businesses can regain their footing and chart a path towards renewed profitability and growth.

Mergers and acquisitions also present unique challenges that necessitate digital transformation expertise. Integrating disparate systems, processes and cultures is no small feat, but with the guidance of a seasoned consultant, companies can streamline this transition and unlock the combined entity’s full potential.

Regardless of a company’s unique situation or challenges, the journey towards successful digital transformation is seldom a simple one. It’s a complex undertaking that requires a careful balance of technical expertise, strategic insight and a deep understanding of the organisation’s specific needs. This often necessitates the guidance of a seasoned professional who can navigate this intricate landscape, ensuring that technology investments not only address immediate needs but also propel the business towards its long-term strategic objectives. This is why a digital transformation consultant should come on board with industry-relevant expertise and a proven approach. 

The three phases of digital transformation

To navigate the complexities of digital transformation and ensure its success, I apply a proven, three-phase methodology to a digital transformation consultant’s roles and responsibilities. Each phase serves a distinct purpose, addressing specific challenges and unlocking unique opportunities for growth and optimisation. This structured approach allows me to guide businesses through the transformation journey in a systematic and effective manner.

Phase 1: Understanding the current state

This initial phase is about building relationships and gathering information. I collaborate with employees across departments, conducting interviews, workshops and shadowing sessions to gain a deep understanding of their roles, pain points and aspirations. By actively listening and engaging with the team, I can uncover valuable insights that might not be apparent from data alone. This collaborative approach helps me identify not only the technical challenges but also the human factors that can impact the success of the transformation.

Phase 2: Designing the future

In this phase, I transition from information gathering to solution design. I work closely with stakeholders to co-create a vision for the future, leveraging their expertise and insights to develop a strategic roadmap for transformation. This involves collaborative brainstorming sessions, where we explore various possibilities, evaluate different technologies and processes, and assess their potential impact on the business. The goal is to develop a shared vision that excites and motivates the entire team.

Phase 3: Implementation and change management

The final phase is where the vision becomes reality, and teamwork is more important than ever. I partner with the project management office (PMO) to oversee the implementation of the new systems and processes. This involves not only managing timelines, budgets, and resources but also ensuring that employees are engaged and empowered throughout the process. I work with change champions within the organisation to communicate the benefits of the transformation, address concerns, and provide training and support. By fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration, we can create a smoother transition and maximise the chances of success.

digital transformation consultant roles and responsibilities

Putting the theory into action

Here’s an example of the three-phase theory in practice. I applied this method to one of the most impactful digital transformation projects I’ve led: streamlining the COVID-19 vaccination process in Catalonia. The existing vaccination process was outdated and cumbersome, hindering the region’s ability to vaccinate its population quickly at this critical moment. As a digital transformation consultant, I was tasked with leading a team to modernise the procedure.

  1. Understanding the current state: We worked closely with healthcare workers to understand their challenges. We observed their workflows, interviewed them about their pain points, and analysed data to identify bottlenecks.
  2. Designing the future state: Collaborating with stakeholders, we designed a new system centred on a Salesforce CRM platform. This solution would streamline data management, automate appointment scheduling, and provide real-time visibility into vaccine inventory.
  3. Implementation and change management: Working hand-in-hand with the project management office, we rolled out the new system and provided comprehensive training and support to healthcare workers. This ensured a smooth transition and minimised disruptions to the vaccination process.

The impact of this digital transformation was significant. We drastically reduced vaccination time, improved data accuracy and lessened the administrative burden on healthcare staff. The new system also provided valuable insights into vaccination trends, which informed public health decision-making.

This case study illustrates the power of collaboration in digital transformation. By working closely with healthcare workers and other stakeholders, we were able to design and implement a solution that addressed their specific needs and challenges. The result was a more efficient and effective vaccination process that ultimately benefited the entire population of Catalonia.

How to structure a digital transformation team

Digital transformation is not a solo endeavour; it’s a team sport that requires a diverse group of individuals working together towards a common goal. At the heart of a successful digital transformation team is a shared understanding of the company’s vision and values. This shared understanding creates a sense of purpose and unity, motivating team members to work together to achieve the desired outcomes. 

The team should include representatives from all levels of the organisation, from frontline employees who understand the day-to-day realities of the business to executives who can provide strategic direction and ensure alignment with overall goals. Each member brings a unique perspective and skillset to the table, creating a well-rounded team capable of tackling the multifaceted challenges of digital transformation. By fostering a collaborative environment, we can leverage the collective knowledge, skills and experience of the entire organisation to create a future that is not only more efficient and productive but also more fulfilling and sustainable.

Effective communication is also crucial for collaboration. Regular meetings, workshops and feedback sessions provide opportunities for team members to share ideas, discuss challenges and celebrate successes. Open and transparent communication builds trust and ensures that everyone is informed and engaged throughout the transformation process. Digital transformation is not just about implementing new technologies; it’s about empowering people to embrace change, innovate and thrive in the digital age. By fostering a collaborative environment, we can create a culture of innovation where everyone feels empowered to contribute their ideas and skills. 

It’s not just about tech, it’s about teams

Digital transformation is not a mere buzzword; it’s a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. As a digital transformation consultant, my role is to guide companies through this complex journey, ensuring that technology is not just implemented but leveraged to its fullest potential. By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by each organisation, collaborating with stakeholders, and following a structured, three-phase approach, we can achieve transformative outcomes that drive growth, efficiency, and innovation.

The COVID-19 vaccination project in Catalonia serves as a testament to the power of digital transformation when implemented thoughtfully and collaboratively. It demonstrates that even in the face of unprecedented challenges, technology can be a catalyst for positive change. By embracing digital transformation, businesses can not only survive but thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

The key lies in recognising that digital transformation is not just about technology; it’s about people. It’s about empowering employees, fostering collaboration, and creating a culture of innovation. With the right approach, digital transformation can unlock a company’s full potential, leading to greater efficiency, improved customer experiences, and, ultimately, sustained success.

Get in touch

Every business is unique, facing its own set of challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a high-growth startup struggling to scale efficiently, a company facing tough market conditions, or an established business looking to innovate, an experienced digital transformation consultant like myself can devise a strategy that aligns with your specific goals.

The Outvise network, of which I’m a part, can connect you with digital transformation consultants ready to work and based near you. With expertise in process optimisation, technology implementation, and change management, these experts can work closely with your team to identify inefficiencies, implement innovative solutions, and empower your employees to embrace change.

Don’t let the complexities of digital transformation hold you back. Contact the Outvise team and start a conversation about how they can help you connect with transformative talent.

Manager of Processes, Operations and Digital Transformation.
Alexandre has a passion for operations, technology, and finance, and excels in building and transforming business models. His diverse experience has enhanced his skills in security, empathy, and communication. He thrives on complex challenges, leading with optimism and a focus on teamwork and personal growth. Specialising in digital transformation and strategic consulting, Alexandre has made significant impacts across industries such as engineering, retail, and IT.

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