Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Supply Chain Management

How a digital twin can provide next-generation supply chain optimization for agribusiness

digital twin

Reading Time: 7 minutes The concept of a digital twin was first defined and implemented by NASA to simulate the development of spacecraft. However, it has not been since the drive towards digital transformation and the increasing prominence of tools such as IoT, cloud technology, and machine learning that the digital twin has come to the fore of supply […]

Value creation for private equity team through the gig economy

private equity team

Reading Time: 9 minutes In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are major new trends emerging in talent sourcing for a private equity team. Primarily, remote working has become the new normal. For business, this is an opportunity. Now, you no longer have to rely on a local pool of talent. Instead, a global network of private equity […]