Talent [R]evolution

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Posts filtered by Agile Project Manager

Here’s why Middle East consultants should stop assuming Agile will deliver success

middle east consultants

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s business landscape, the term “Agile” has become ubiquitous, often thrown around without a clear understanding of its implications. In markets like the Middle East consultants frequently encounter clients seeking to adopt Agile methodologies without fully grasping their essence and application.  To navigate these conversations and address an organization’s challenges, it’s crucial to understand […]

Why daily dopamine is an Agile Leader’s greatest asset

agile mindset

Reading Time: 6 minutes In a previous article, I discussed the importance of the “happiness hormones,” endorphins, in Agile coaching. Driving the adoption of Agile rituals requires discipline and dynamism, and to maintain these states, we need a reward system. Rewards aren’t only results; they’re also the emotional impact of reaching those goals. That’s why, as an Agile Leader, […]