Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Interim Manager

When the ship needs a captain, an Interim VP of Sales is a key hire

interim VP of sales

Reading Time: 5 minutes In virtually all industries, sales leadership is a cornerstone for organisational success. The departure of a Vice President of Sales, the initiation of growth initiatives, or periods of organisational restructuring can present significant challenges for sales momentum. At such a crossroads, the need for an Interim VP of Sales emerges as a strategic imperative; after […]

Navigating the “blue ocean” of the EU Funding and Tenders Portal

eu funding and tenders portal

Reading Time: 6 minutes The EU Funding and Tenders Portal (formerly known as the Participant Portal) is an online platform managed by the European Commission for their various funding programmes and tenders. It serves as a centralised hub for accessing information, submitting proposals and managing projects for EU-funded research and innovation, education and training, environmental sustainability, regional development and […]

Insights into how an effective interim manager operates

Interim Manager

Reading Time: 5 minutes A management shakeup can be a seismic event for any organisation. It can signal a major shift in company culture, objectives, and operations, never mind the trigger for a lengthy recruitment process. Meanwhile, the proverbial ship can’t be without its captain, so securing a competent, agile interim manager is essential. Finding these individuals can be […]