Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

When the ship needs a captain, an Interim VP of Sales is a key hire

interim VP of sales

Reading Time: 5 minutes In virtually all industries, sales leadership is a cornerstone for organisational success. The departure of a Vice President of Sales, the initiation of growth initiatives, or periods of organisational restructuring can present significant challenges for sales momentum. At such a crossroads, the need for an Interim VP of Sales emerges as a strategic imperative; after […]

Insights into how an effective interim manager operates

Interim Manager

Reading Time: 5 minutes A management shakeup can be a seismic event for any organisation. It can signal a major shift in company culture, objectives, and operations, never mind the trigger for a lengthy recruitment process. Meanwhile, the proverbial ship can’t be without its captain, so securing a competent, agile interim manager is essential. Finding these individuals can be […]