Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Posts filtered by Data security

A proactive not reactive data security plan is critical for external apps

data security

Reading Time: 8 minutes The rapid development of technology means data has proliferated exponentially. In tandem, IT systems have become more complex, comprising various hardware and software, and internal and external components. As a result, software designers and security managers are finding it more challenging to identify weaknesses and shore them up, and naturally, lawbreakers are attempting to take […]

A dilemma that an information security analyst faces

information security analyst services

Reading Time: 4 minutes While the businesses all over the world are embracing the digital transformation as one of the interventions to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive world, ICT professionals, in particular an information security analyst, faces huge challenges in protecting the business data. Virtually every business is, to a larger or lesser extent, reliant on digital systems […]