Reading Time: 6 minutes Business owners everywhere are looking to push energy-efficient operations forward. We are steadily reaching a stage where natural resources are increasingly limited. Ultimately, the onus is on the business world to find ways to sustainably source materials. Not only that, embracing energy-efficient operations and increasing sustainability in general provides opportunities for revenue growth and increased […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes Estimates suggest that by 2025, there will be more than 150 zettabytes – that’s 150 trillion gigabytes – of unanalysed data. Much of this data will be unstructured, compelling almost every business to formulate a big data strategy. This will require them to radically rethink data storage and analysis. “Big data” has become a somewhat […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes There’s no shadow of a doubt that digitization is crucial to gaining a competitive edge in today’s business environment. The ability to navigate disruption is defined by the agility with which an organisation handles its data, and as such, the architecture within which it is processed. In many cases, a hybrid cloud strategy provides the […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes Infrastructure and physical security can fall by the wayside in the excitement of a workplace relocation. Oftentimes, this isn’t due to naivety or some sort of willful negligence, but the lead times associated with office moves. In the current context, it seems worthwhile to discuss the ins and outs of a proper data centre migration […]
Reading Time: 7 minutes The telecommunications space is evolving. Now more than ever, companies need to have enormous data processing and low latency capabilities. This comes with the advent of various next-generation technologies like 5G, IoT, augmented reality, and machine learning. Data centres need to be able to handle dizzying amounts of information at break-neck speed. Subsequently, the hardware […]