Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

What is happening to the fintech bubble?

Fintech Bubble podcast

Reading Time: 2 minutes With the financial market feeling the pinch, there are some big questions about the future of fintech. Will some markets fare better than others? What does this mean for investors and businesses? And what’s going to happen next? In this episode of Outvise Insights, fintech expert and founder of Fintech Review, Tristan Pelloux tells us […]

Why profitability is the catch-22 of fintech consulting

Fintech Consultant

Reading Time: 5 minutes According to a study by deVere Group, the European fintech market has grown by 72% since the pandemic. Since last year, 19 European fintech have become unicorns, which means big institutions and new entrants alike are jostling to get a slice of the pie. As a result, fintech consulting has exploded and freelance finance analysts […]