Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Effectively onboarding freelancers for full integration into your company culture

onboarding freelancers

Reading Time: 6 minutes The modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation, with freelancers playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping organisational success. As the demand for specialised skills and flexible work arrangements grows, effectively onboarding freelancers has become a cornerstone of strategic talent management. Freelancers are no longer confined to the fringes of the workforce but are now […]

The art of quiet hiring: Building high-performance teams in silence

quiet hiring

Reading Time: 9 minutes The hiring process is essential for any company or organisation. Applicants have a significant impact on companies’ success and competitiveness. Although the hiring process is traditionally a noisy process, full of job advertisements, interviews, tests and evaluations, a new trend has emerged that is changing the way companies search for talent: quiet hiring. HR experts […]