Head of Product & CTO, partner at Outvise
Head of Product & CTO, partner at Outvise. Industrial Engineer by ENSAM. Has led the creation of various digital platforms from scratch, as consultant or partner, in Startups and Corporates. Combining strong tech, marketing and strategy skills, Fred is an enthusiast of UI/UX and automation, to build usable, friendly and scalable digital products.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Most of “AI” in the news today refers to Generative AI. There are other types of AI out there, like pattern detection, advanced image processing… But I will focus on the Generative AI trends, and more precisely on language applications. Yes, the same “thing” behind OpenAI (ChatGPT), Claude, Llama and other Transformer-based models that leverage […]
Reading Time: 7 minutes We hear about big-name security breaches in the news all the time. Every few weeks another huge tech company has suffered a break-in and their users’ personal details are all over the internet. Credit card data, passwords, addresses and more are at risk of being released onto black markets where high sums are paid for […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes Outvise is devoted to sourcing tech talent, so we take pride in the functionality of our platform. We aim to make sure it’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, and provides our clients with the results they need, and fast. One of the key players behind the platform is our Agile Product Owner, Ariel Delfín. Along with […]
Reading Time: 8 minutes The rapid development of technology means data has proliferated exponentially. In tandem, IT systems have become more complex, comprising various hardware and software, and internal and external components. As a result, software designers and security managers are finding it more challenging to identify weaknesses and shore them up, and naturally, lawbreakers are attempting to take […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes While the businesses all over the world are embracing the digital transformation as one of the interventions to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive world, ICT professionals, in particular an information security analyst, faces huge challenges in protecting the business data. Virtually every business is, to a larger or lesser extent, reliant on digital systems […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Today, the complete digitisation of the business environment demands a more agile way of working. Technological advancements are constantly transforming the competitive landscape, introducing new disruptors and readjusting customer expectations. These turbulent times demand that organisations stay ahead of the curve, with the ability to adapt and adjust their operations at any given moment. Therefore, […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes Technology is a dynamic and ever-changing field. With new developments and disruptors appearing seemingly daily, an organisation’s CTO has to constantly face up to new challenges. Today, this is more the case than ever. With game-changing new developments like 5G, collaborative Cloud platforms and artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly changing the way we do business, CTOs […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes The concept of digital transformation has been on everyone’s lips and has already propelled many companies towards success. However, many still hesitate as to what exactly is needed to transform a company to make it relevant in the digital era. The Outvise team has undertaken an in-depth analysis of this and found out two things: […]