Reading Time: 5 minutes La investigación y desarrollo (I+D) es fundamental para el crecimiento de las empresas y la transformación tecnológica de sus unidades de negocio. En España, la inversión en I+D ha experimentado un crecimiento sostenido en los últimos años, pasando de un 0,8 % en los años 90 al 1,55 % del PIB en 2023. Ese mismo […]
Reading Time: 7 minutes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive software solutions that integrate and manage various business processes within a single platform. These systems serve as a centralised hub for critical business data, encompassing everything from finance and accounting to inventory management, human resources and customer relationship management. In complex logistical operations, such systems can be game-changing […]
Reading Time: 8 minutes As the global pandemic continues to wreak havoc on healthcare systems globally, remote consultations, virtual care and follow ups are becoming increasingly commonplace. Broadly referred to as telehealth or e-health, e-health technology methods are helping healthcare providers and medical staff better respond to the needs of those that have contracted the virus. Equally, these tools […]