Talent [R]evolution

Sourcing Talent in the Digital Age

Is a hybrid cloud strategy right for your organisation?

Hybrid cloud data centre

Reading Time: 6 minutes There’s no shadow of a doubt that digitization is crucial to gaining a competitive edge in today’s business environment. The ability to navigate disruption is defined by the agility with which an organisation handles its data, and as such, the architecture within which it is processed. In many cases, a hybrid cloud strategy provides the […]

Developing a hybrid cloud strategy: Pros and cons

cloud strategy

Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last few years, cloud strategy has transformed business. Now, cloud computing is one of the most in-demand solutions in virtually every industry, due in part to its ability to accelerate data ingestion and analysis. As companies IT needs continue to grow exponentially, more and more data is accumulating and travelling every second. Thus, […]